The Kids In America Are Killing Each Other More Frequently Now Than In Any Of The Previous Centuries?

Homicide Is A Leading Cause Of Death Among Children In The US. If It’s A Complex But Preventable Health Problem Then Why Is It Still Unresolved?

What Are The Reasons And Causes Of Rising School Shootings In The US? Where Are The Solutions? Are American Schools A Nightmare For Children In America? What Are The Adults Doing?

When I was growing up in Karachi in the 70s, we also had school fights and arguments, and our own versions of school charades, but we fought with our words, our fists, and our hands. Using guns on each other in school, was not imaginable, even in a lawless place like the biggest city of Pakistan.

Out of the over 300 school shootings in America since the 80s very few were done by women, the rest were all men. This means, nowadays - if you just take away the parents of a boy or at least one of the parents, wrap him around violence and rage, give him a people-hating, killer-training video game that teaches him how to aim, lock target, and shoot, and add some high doses of assorted, psychotically acidic drinks detrimental to his health, and pump him up with all the vaccines with a triggering cocktail of other addictive drugs, then add the independence of freely surfing the internet, give him mobile devices and laptops with unlimited wifi, make him a self-glorifying hero or bully him to almost death, then wait for some hurtful events to be added to this mix, without teaching him anything about conflict resolution, and then leave grandpa’s guns unattended - maybe then you will see, what is happening to that kid today - as he takes down his own family members, and friends, and classmates, and teachers, and acquaintances, police officers, and bystanders, or anyone else that comes in the way.

You must not say that this is normal. If you do, then it means you are not normal anymore.

I’m talking about the usual kid, who use to be just a kid. Most kids are not that anymore. They are being turned into highbred anomalies that can do things that won't even come close to your wildest imagination.

School shootings in America have become a distressing and tragic reality. These incidents have devastating effects on the lives of students, teachers, families, and communities at large. Understanding the reasons and causes behind these shootings is crucial to developing effective solutions that can help prevent and mitigate such incidents.

In this article, I want to analyze the factors contributing to school shootings in America, and provide examples, other than the ones I mentioned above, and propose potential solutions to address this alarming issue.

I. Social and Cultural Factors:

Bullying and Peer Rejection: Persistent bullying, social exclusion, and rejection can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and isolation, which may escalate into acts of violence.

  • Example: The Columbine High School shooting in 1999 was partially motivated by the perpetrators' experiences of bullying and social marginalization, though one of the perpetrators was later deemed a psychopath and the other mentally unstable.

Mental Health Issues: Undiagnosed or untreated mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety disorders, or conduct disorders, can increase the risk of violence in individuals.

  • Example: According to the officials, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012 involved a perpetrator with significant mental health problems.

Desensitization to Violence: Exposure to violent media, video games, and online platforms can desensitize individuals to the consequences of real-life violence, making them more susceptible to resorting to extreme measures.

  • Example: The Parkland High School shooting in 2018 involved a perpetrator who had previously exhibited violent tendencies and had a fascination with firearms through online platforms.

II. Accessibility to Firearms:

Weak Gun Control Laws: Easy access to firearms, inadequate background checks, and loopholes in gun legislation allow individuals with malicious intent to obtain weapons.

  • Example: The Virginia Tech shooting in 2007 involved a perpetrator who purchased firearms legally despite a documented history of mental health issues.

Improper Storage of Firearms: Negligent storage of firearms in homes increases the likelihood of unauthorized access, particularly by minors or individuals with the intent to commit harm.

  • Example: The Red Lake Senior High School shooting in 2005 involved a perpetrator who acquired the firearms used in the attack from his grandfather's cabinet.

III. Inadequate School Security and Response Measures:

Insufficient Security Measures: Inadequate security protocols, lack of surveillance systems, and limited trained staff in schools contribute to vulnerabilities and difficulties in preventing or responding to threats effectively.

  • Example: The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018 showcased flaws in the school's security system, which allowed the perpetrator to enter the premises undetected.

Ineffective Threat Assessment: Inconsistent or inadequate threat assessment procedures fail to identify warning signs and intervene before a potential threat escalates into violence.

  • Example: The Santa Fe High School shooting in 2018 revealed missed opportunities to intervene and address the perpetrator's concerning behavior prior to the attack and his own concerns about being bullied.


  1. Strengthen Mental Health Support: Increase access to mental health services in schools, train teachers and staff to recognize warning signs, and establish comprehensive prevention programs that address mental health issues and promote student well-being.

  2. Implement Stricter Gun Control Measures: Enact comprehensive gun control legislation that includes background checks for all firearm purchases, closing loopholes, imposing waiting periods, and implementing measures to prevent access to firearms by individuals with a history of violence or mental health concerns.

  3. Improve School Security Measures: Enhance physical security through measures such as controlled access points, surveillance systems, and trained security personnel. Invest in threat assessment programs that identify and intervene in potentially harmful situations.

  4. Promote a Positive School Climate: Implement anti-bullying initiatives, foster inclusivity and acceptance, and provide social-emotional learning programs to create a supportive and safe environment for all students.

Addressing the root causes of school shootings in America requires a multilayered approach that tackles social and cultural factors, improves gun control measures, enhances school security, and promotes a positive school climate. By addressing these issues collectively, we can work towards creating safer learning environments for our children.

It is essential for schools and communities to prioritize mental health support and early intervention programs. This includes increasing access to mental health professionals within schools, training teachers and staff to identify signs of distress or potential violence, and providing counseling services for students who may be struggling emotionally. By addressing mental health concerns proactively, we can help prevent individuals from reaching a point of crisis where they resort to violence.

Stricter gun control measures are crucial to limiting access to firearms by individuals with harmful intentions. This involves comprehensive background checks for all firearm purchases, closing loopholes that allow for private sales without checks, imposing waiting periods, and implementing measures to prevent individuals with a history of violence or mental health concerns from obtaining firearms. Additionally, promoting responsible gun ownership and safe storage practices can help reduce unauthorized access to firearms, especially by minors.

Improving school security measures is vital to creating a safe and secure learning environment. This includes implementing controlled access points, installing surveillance systems, and training security personnel to effectively respond to threats. It is also important to establish robust threat assessment programs that identify and intervene in potentially harmful situations early on, working in collaboration with mental health professionals, law enforcement agencies, and school administrators.

Promoting a positive school climate is essential for fostering a sense of belonging, reducing instances of bullying and social exclusion, and cultivating a culture of empathy and respect. Anti-bullying initiatives, social-emotional learning programs, and conflict-resolution strategies can help create a supportive environment where students feel valued and safe.

The reasons and causes of school shootings in America are complicated, despite what background people come from, but by addressing social and cultural factors, implementing stricter gun control measures, enhancing school security, and promoting a positive school climate, we can work towards ending this nightmare for children in schools. It requires a comprehensive and collaborative effort from lawmakers, educators, mental health professionals, parents, and the community at large to ensure the safety and well-being of our children in America.

Is The U.S. Government And The American Families Silent Despite So Many School Shootings Reccurring Every Year In America? Who Is Held Responsible For This And Who Can Play A Strong Role In Stopping These School Shootings.

School shootings are a matter of great concern and have sparked significant public debate, activism, and efforts to address the issue. However, it is important to acknowledge that opinions and actions vary across different individuals, communities, and political groups.

Understanding the reasons for apparent silence or slow progress requires examining various factors:

  1. Political Complexity: School shootings are a sensitive issue that involves complex debates surrounding gun control, mental health, and school security. There is a wide range of perspectives on how to best address these concerns, leading to political divisions and challenges in implementing comprehensive solutions. Different political ideologies, interests, and lobbying groups can influence the pace and direction of policy changes.

  2. Public Perception and Awareness: Public attention and media coverage often intensify immediately following a school shooting, but it can wane over time as other pressing issues emerge. This can create a perception of silence or inaction. However, it is essential to recognize that advocacy groups, survivors, and affected families continue to raise awareness, push for change, and demand action.

  3. Legal and Constitutional Considerations: The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, and discussions around gun control involve balancing this right with public safety concerns. Finding consensus on appropriate gun control measures that respect individual rights while preventing access to firearms by individuals with harmful intentions can be challenging.

  4. Resource Allocation: Addressing school shootings requires significant resources, including funding for mental health services, improving school security infrastructure, and implementing preventive measures. Resource allocation decisions often involve competing priorities, making it challenging to allocate sufficient funds to effectively address all aspects of the issue.

  5. Role of Individuals and Communities: American families and communities play a crucial role in preventing school shootings. While some may feel helpless or overwhelmed by the issue, many parents, educators, and community members are actively engaged in efforts to support mental health, promote gun safety, and advocate for safer schools. However, collective action and sustained engagement are necessary to create lasting change.

To Effectively Address And Prevent School Shootings, Multiple Stakeholders Need To Work Together And Help The Vulenerable Children.

  1. Government and Policy Makers: Federal, state, and local governments have the responsibility to enact and enforce policies that promote gun safety, mental health support, and school security. Lawmakers need to work collaboratively to develop evidence-based legislation that balances individual rights with public safety.

  2. Education System: Schools play a critical role in creating safe and nurturing environments for students. They can implement comprehensive mental health programs, adopt effective anti-bullying initiatives, provide training for staff on threat assessment, and collaborate with law enforcement agencies to enhance security measures.

  3. Mental Health Professionals: Mental health professionals, including psychologists, counselors, and social workers, are essential in identifying and addressing mental health concerns in students. Collaboration between mental health professionals and educational institutions can ensure early intervention, support, and appropriate referrals for those in need.

  4. Communities and Families: Engaged and informed communities can support initiatives that promote school safety and mental well-being. Families can actively participate in parent-teacher associations, support local advocacy groups, and engage in open conversations about mental health and responsible gun ownership.

  5. Public Awareness and Advocacy Groups: Nonprofit organizations, advocacy groups, and survivors' organizations have played a significant role in raising awareness, advocating for policy changes, and supporting affected communities. Their continued efforts are crucial in keeping the issue in public discourse and demanding action.

While progress can be slow and opinions differ, there are ongoing efforts from various stakeholders to address this critical problem. By recognizing the complexity of the issue, and fostering dialogue, changes in behavior and policy can produce a favorable outcome.

Why Have The School Killings And Shootings Not Stopped Despite So Much Talk And Work Being Done For Decades? A Fool Is Someone Who Keeps Getting The Same Results By Repeatedly Doing It Wrong.

School shootings are undoubtedly a deeply troubling and persistent issue in the United States. Despite efforts to address the problem, it is true that school shootings have not been completely eradicated. It is crucial to continually assess and adapt strategies to effectively address this complex problem.

Several factors contribute to the ongoing occurrence of school shootings:

  1. The complexity of the Issue: School shootings involve a combination of social, psychological, and systemic factors that are not easily resolved. Addressing these intertwined causes requires long-term commitment, resources, and collaboration across various sectors.

  2. Implementation Challenges: While there have been efforts to implement preventive measures, challenges in execution and consistent implementation can hinder progress. This may be due to resource limitations, lack of coordination among stakeholders, or resistance to change.

  3. Time for Impact: Creating lasting change takes time. Policy changes, improvements in mental health support, and changes in societal attitudes require sustained effort and time to show measurable effects.

  4. Limited Success of Current Strategies: It is possible that some strategies implemented to address school shootings have not been as effective as anticipated. A comprehensive evaluation of existing measures, their implementation, and their impact is necessary to identify areas for improvement.

  5. Cultural and Social Factors: The United States has a unique cultural and historical relationship with firearms, which adds complexity to discussions and actions related to gun control. Cultural attitudes towards guns and individual rights contribute to ongoing debates and challenges in enacting comprehensive gun control measures.

Recognizing these challenges, it is crucial to continuously reassess strategies and explore new approaches to effectively prevent school shootings. This includes:

  1. Strengthening Gun Control Measures: Advocating for comprehensive background checks, closing loopholes, implementing waiting periods, and raising awareness about responsible gun ownership.

  2. Enhancing Mental Health Support: Expanding access to mental health services in schools, providing resources for early intervention, and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health.

  3. Improving School Safety: Enhancing physical security measures, implementing effective threat assessment protocols, and providing training for staff and students on crisis response and conflict resolution.

  4. Promoting Community Engagement: Encouraging active involvement of families, communities, and educators in creating safe and supportive environments for students.

  5. Research and Evaluation: Continuously researching and evaluating the effectiveness of prevention strategies and using evidence-based practices to inform policies and interventions.

While extremely little progress has been made in addressing school shootings, it is evident that more needs to be done. By acknowledging the complexity of the issue, learning from past experiences, and adopting an inclusive and empathetic approach, we can strive for better outcomes and work towards the ultimate goal of preventing school shootings.

What Are The Most Common Factors Among Those Kids Who Have Been The Attackers In All School Shootings In America Since The 70s?

It is meaningful to approach the topic of school shootings with sensitivity and caution, as it involves tragic events and complex factors. While it is difficult to make sweeping generalizations about all school shooters, there have been some common factors and patterns identified in certain cases. However, it is crucial to note that these factors do not apply universally and do not predict violent behavior in every case. Additionally, it is essential to remember that the vast majority of young people do not engage in violent behavior or perpetrate school shootings.

That being said, some factors that have been observed among some school shooters in the United States include:

  1. Social isolation and a sense of alienation: Some attackers have been described as being socially isolated, marginalized, or bullied. They may struggle to fit in with their peers and feel a lack of connection to others.

  2. Mental health issues: Many perpetrators of school shootings have had a history of mental health problems, although not all individuals with mental health issues are prone to violence. Conditions such as depression, anxiety, or conduct disorders have been reported in some cases.

  3. Access to firearms: Easy access to firearms, whether through their own homes or other means, has been a factor in several school shootings. The availability of weapons can significantly increase the likelihood of an individual engaging in violent acts.

  4. Prior history of violence or aggression: Some school shooters have exhibited a history of violent behavior, either towards others or themselves. Acts of cruelty to animals or a fascination with violence are sometimes reported.

  5. Interest in previous school shootings: There have been instances where attackers have expressed fascination or a desire to emulate previous school shooters, often researching their actions and studying their motives.

It is also important to note that these factors alone do not determine the likelihood of someone becoming a school shooter. Many young people who may have experienced similar circumstances or difficulties do not resort to violence. It is also essential to avoid stigmatizing individuals with mental health issues, as the vast majority of people with mental illnesses are not violent. Addressing the issue of school shootings requires a comprehensive approach that includes promoting mental health support, early intervention, fostering inclusive school environments, responsible firearm policies, and open lines of communication between students, teachers, and parents.

Can We Fully Analyze Exactly How Many School Shootings Occurred In The 1700s, The 1800s, The 1900s, And The 2000s?

Analyzing school shootings across different centuries is challenging due to the lack of comprehensive data for the earlier centuries. School shootings as we understand them today, involving mass shootings or targeted violence in educational institutions, are relatively modern phenomena. However, here is an overview based on the available information.

  1. 1700s: There is limited information available regarding school shootings in the 1700s. During this period, formal education systems were less developed, and incidents of school shootings, as we understand them today, were not commonly documented except for a few.

  2. 1800s: School shootings were still rare occurrences during the 1800s. One notable incident was the Enoch Brown school massacre in 1764, where a group of Native American warriors attacked a school in Pennsylvania, killing the schoolmaster and nine children.

  3. 1900s: The 1900s saw a few documented cases of school shootings. In the United States, one notable incident was the Bath School disaster in 1927. It involved a bombing at a school in Bath Township, Michigan, resulting in the deaths of 38 elementary school children and six adults. While relatively rare, these incidents marked a shift toward more targeted violence within educational institutions.

  4. 2000s: The 2000s witnessed a significant increase in the frequency and scale of school shootings. Incidents such as the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007 brought widespread attention to this issue. These events sparked discussions on gun control, mental health, and school safety. The increased media coverage and awareness may have contributed to more incidents being reported during this period.

It is important to note that the available data and reporting methods have improved over time, leading to better documentation and awareness of school shootings. Therefore, it is difficult to draw a direct comparison between the centuries due to the limited data from earlier periods.

While school shootings were rare in the 1700s and 1800s, the frequency increased in the 1900s, with a notable rise in the 2000s. The 2000s marked a turning point in terms of public awareness and discussions around school shootings, leading to increased efforts to prevent such incidents.

Which Century Has Seen The Highest Number Of School Shootings Since Recorded History?

Based on recorded history and available data, the 21st century, specifically the 2000s and 2010s, has seen the highest number of school shootings. The increased frequency and scale of school shootings during this period have garnered significant attention and concern worldwide. Tragic incidents such as the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, and the Parkland High School shooting in 2018, among others, have had a profound impact on public consciousness and discussions surrounding school shootings.

Significant school shootings, such as the Enoch Brown school massacre in the 1700s, the Bath School disaster in the 1900s, or the more recent incidents like Columbine High School and Sandy Hook Elementary School, among others, are well-documented examples of school violence across different time periods. The only difference is that there are more school shootings in the 21st century than in other previous recorded centuries.

It's important to note that the availability of comprehensive and reliable data has improved over time, which contributes to a more accurate understanding of the frequency and impact of school shootings in recent years. Additionally, increased media coverage and awareness of these incidents may also influence the perception that school shootings have become more prevalent or not in modern times.

Why Has There Been An Increase In School Shootings In The 21st Century When There Were Very Few Such Incidents In The Previous Centuries?

The increase in school shootings in the 21st century compared to previous centuries is a convoluted issue influenced by various factors. While it is challenging to pinpoint a single cause, several factors have been identified as potential contributors:

  1. Access to firearms: The accessibility and availability of firearms, particularly in the United States, play a significant role. The ease with which individuals can obtain firearms, both legally and illegally, increases the likelihood of their use in acts of violence, including school shootings.

  2. Social and cultural factors: Societal changes, including shifts in cultural norms, increased exposure to violence in media, and the impact of social media, may contribute to the rise in school shootings. These factors can influence individuals' attitudes, behavior, and coping mechanisms.

  3. Mental health issues: Mental health problems, such as untreated or undiagnosed mental illnesses, can be a contributing factor in school shootings. Some perpetrators of these acts may have struggled with mental health issues, which can exacerbate their feelings of isolation, anger, or distress.

  4. Social dynamics and bullying: School environments that lack a strong sense of community, have a prevalence of bullying, or fail to address social dynamics adequately can create an environment that increases the risk of violence.

  5. Copycat phenomenon: High-profile incidents of school shootings, widely covered by the media, can potentially inspire copycat acts. The intense media attention received by these incidents may inadvertently contribute to the spread and imitation of such violent acts.

It's necessary to note that each school shooting incident has its unique set of circumstances and motivations. Understanding and addressing the root causes of school shootings requires a comprehensive and analytical approach, involving gun control measures, mental health support, social interventions, and improvements in school safety protocols.

Efforts are being made globally to study and address this issue, with the aim of reducing the incidence of school shootings and creating safer educational environments.

What Can Be Done To Mitigate The Increase In School Shootings

Mitigating the increase in school shootings requires a multi-dimensional approach involving various stakeholders. Here are some strategies that can be considered:

  1. Gun control measures: Implementing stricter gun control laws, including background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions on the sale and ownership of firearms, can help reduce the accessibility of firearms to individuals with malicious intent.

  2. Improved school security: Enhancing physical security measures in schools, such as installing surveillance systems, implementing access control measures, and conducting regular safety drills, can help deter and respond to potential threats.

  3. Mental health support: Expanding mental health services in schools and communities, including early identification and intervention programs, counseling services, and promoting mental health awareness, can assist in identifying and addressing underlying issues that may contribute to violence.

  4. Prevention and intervention programs: Implementing comprehensive violence prevention programs in schools that address issues such as bullying, conflict resolution, and emotional well-being can foster a positive and safe school environment. Additionally, establishing threat assessment teams or programs can help identify and intervene in cases where individuals display concerning behavior.

  5. Increased awareness and reporting: Encouraging students, staff, and parents to report any potential threats, concerning behaviors, or signs of distress can facilitate early intervention and prevent potential incidents.

  6. Engaging parents and the community: Promoting parent and community involvement in schools, fostering positive relationships, and providing resources and support for families can create a supportive network and contribute to a safer environment.

  7. Media and responsible reporting: Encouraging responsible media reporting of school shootings can help minimize the potential for copycat incidents. Media outlets should avoid sensationalizing and glorifying perpetrators, focusing instead on the impact on victims and strategies for prevention.

  8. Comprehensive research and data collection: Investing in research and data collection on school shootings can provide valuable insights into the causes, risk factors, and effective prevention strategies. This information can inform evidence-based policies and interventions.

It's important to note that no single solution can completely eliminate the risk of school shootings. A holistic approach that combines prevention, intervention, and response strategies is necessary to mitigate the increase in school shootings and create safer learning environments for the children of not just America but of the world.

Why? Because as the adults in the room, they trust you to do so.


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